The evolution of the role of the Corporate Secretary has been as rapid as the changes in governance fuelled by unforeseen events. As the guardians of governance, Corporate Secretaries not only have to keep pace with the impact of these events on governance, but they have to be pro-active in driving the culture of change at Board and operational levels to ensure the sustainability of the organisation in volatile global markets.

The CSIA Global Governance Awards have been instituted with the aim of recognizing the work done by Corporate Secretaries and governance professionals in the past year— work that has not only had an impact on the organisation but can also be applied on an international platform.

The Awards have three main categories: Global Corporate Secretary of the Year, Rising Corporate Secretary of the Year and Governance Professional of the Year.

The winners in each category will be decided by a distinguished jury of expert practitioners and thought leaders in the field of corporate governance.

The Global Governance Awards Countdown
