HKCGI – 23rd Annual Corporate and Regulatory Update (Webinar)
09:15 to 17:45 - June 9, 2022

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Covering key corporate and regulatory developments, insights and enforcement trends – directly from regulators

The 23rd Annual Corporate and Regulatory Update (ACRU 2022) is an annual signature event of the Institute. It provides a unique forum for governance professionals, directors, senior management and other relevant stakeholders to learn about the latest key corporate and regulatory developments, insights and enforcement trends directly from regulators.

This year’s ACRU will again be delivered in the form of a professionally produced webinar, and will include focuses on key company law, listed company and securities related law and regulations. In addition, there will be sharing on business ethics and data privacy protections as important regulatory compliance topics that have seen developments.

ACRU 2022 is aimed to deliver on practical governance through a summative year-in-review of important regulatory themes and concerns, and to anticipate emerging regulatory concerns and enforcement trends in fostering better governance for a better future.

Register NOW for this important conference before registration deadline on 31 May 2022.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]